3D games for mobile browsers!

Mobile games for brands

We make games for your business and brands! Fun and colorful games created with joy. Design and graphics in premium quality. We design and customize each game to match your brand’s identity, color and feeling.

Colors in the same style as your company!


Have a great time playing our games!

We focus on the person playing the game having a rewarding and positive moment that deeply strengthens the relationship with the brand. We create mobile games for a memorable experience!

3D Mobile games for brands


Case: A French grocery store chain.

Challenge: How to get people to visit their stores in a highly competitive market with lot of competitive choices.

Approach: Let people discover and interact with the brand with a mobile game.

Solution: Mobile game application with focus on a fun, rewarding and unforgettable experience.

Increase the number of people visiting the stores by creating engagement and strengthen the brand.

Results (game time + statistics): 

Number of participants, 1 month: 120,000 participants

Average playing time: 32 minutes/person


Case: Swedish consumer product

Challenge:  A new fruit yoghurt was to be introduced on the Swedish market. The challenge was that it is hard to introduce new yoghurt flavors because customers normally do not change what yoghurt they eat. The company wanted to create brand awareness and create engagement.

Approach: Create buzz around their product with a mobile game.

Solution: Mobile game application featuring the brand and products. 

Results (game time + statistics): 

Number of participants, 2 months: 58,000 participants

Unique participants: 35,000 participants

Average playing time: 37 minutes/person

The number of brand impressions increased by 150%.


Premium Quality 3D Games

Appway creates premium quality mobile games for marketing campaigns. Our niche is creating mobile games that give the customer a positive experience, building brand relationship and creates curiosity that contributes to people wanting to tell all their friends about how incredibly fun the game was for many years to come. We go from idea and concept creation, to strategy, game design customization and launch.


Our games are compliant with GDPR.

No third party cookies are used.

High level of cybersecurity ensures that users are protected.


We make fun and colorful games in 3D for your brands. We have over 20 different kinds of games in our library. Platform games, Racing Games, Adventure games and casual games are the most popular kind of games but we also make games in other categories.

Yes, our games are specially designed to work well on mobile devices!

Yes, we specialize in making mobile games in 3D that runs well on mobile devices.

Yes, loading the game takes the same time as loading a normal webpage.

You can put the game on your webpage or any website you like!

Yes, our games are very easy to integrate into your website and it is normally done in less than 2 minutes. We have a very easy to follow guide that works for any website and if you need help, we help you!

Yes! We design and customize each game to match your brand’s identity, color and feeling.

A game is a great way to educate customers about your products, activate your customers and let customers spend time with the brand. 

80% of people aged 18-45 years play mobile games every week.

53% of people aged +45 years play mobile games every week.

Yes! We make happy and fun mobile games for brands. In colors and designs that suit your brand.

There is a huge advantage in accessibility. By playing in the browser, our games are accessible for everyone in the world, and no time-consuming app-downloads are required to play!

It is both fast and easy to join and it is easier to reach high volumes because there are no barriers for playing. When you have the game on your website or any custom webpage, everyone across the globe can take part in playing the game.

Yes, all our games are GDPR compliant.

Yes, all our games have very high cybersecurity standards, aiming to protect you and your customers.

Yes, we create and add new games to our game portfolio every month.

Great, we are happy to help you! Click on the link to contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

On average, a player play 7 times longer playing 3D games than 2D games.

With 3D, there are more ways to interact with the brand by having engaging 3D environments. 

There are more opportunities to naturally to display logos on interactive objects in 3D.

Need a mobile game for your brand?

Mobile games that make a difference in your turnover!